Donnie johnson
10/29/2013 04:08:07 am

Im having alittle trouble on the decomposers may you please help me?

Ms. Lewis
10/29/2013 09:43:27 am

Hi Donnie...Decomposers are the last stop on the food chain, they eat the things no one else wants to. Decomposers many times eat dead things from the ground in order to get nutrients. The dead things that are eaten by decomposers are called detritus which means "garbage". Some of the most common decomposers are bacteria, worms, slugs, snails, and fungi like mushrooms.

I hope this helps!

11/20/2013 03:04:36 am


Adreana Brown
10/29/2013 08:51:51 am

Composting helps the earth by being able to reuse fertilizer which can save money.

Ms. Lewis
10/29/2013 09:46:47 am

You are right Adreana...Using these waste materials can help save money and it helps us re-use these wastes instead of just throwing it away.

Great Job, Adreana!!!

11/20/2013 03:03:33 am

compost helps the earth by producing more plants!!!!!


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